Jump in the game—online.

Intramural Sports and Club Sports are working together to provide free virtual programming and at-home entertainment while the campus community is under shelter-in-place. Students will be able to participate in free-to-enter, virtual e-sports tournaments. Get connected and play against other Spartans within the comfort of your own home.

Consoles & Games

PlayStation 4: Madden NFL 20, NBA 2K20, FIFA 20, MLB The Show 20, Rocket League
Xbox One: Madden NFL 20, NBA 2K20, FIFA 20, MLB The Show 20, Rocket League
Nintendo Switch: NBA 2K20, FIFA 20, Rocket League

How It Works:

  • Log in to IMleagues with your SJSUone account.

  • Browse the e-sports offerings and competition levels.

  • Register for your desired console, activity, and competition level. All games are free to enter and participants can participate in multiple games. All games are individual teams except for Rocket League, which is a team of three.

  • After registration, there will be a start date, in which the games begin, and a cutoff date, at which point all players must have played at least four matches to qualify for playoffs. All participants will be emailed instructions after signing up.

  • During team registration, it’s recommended to use your gamertag as your “Team Name” so that opponents can easily identify your team online.

NIRSA Recreation Movement Challenge

The SRAC and NIRSA, the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association, are launching a collegiate recreation platform focused on driving student fitness/wellness-based activities and keeping students and university communities connected, through the 2020 Recreation Movement Challenge. Join the #RecMovement and compete against other colleges & universities from the comfort of your own home, with prerecorded and live classes and workouts hosted by institutions across the country.

The Recreation Movement Challenge will be held from April 6 – May 3. Participants from 40+ universities will self-report their minutes of personal activity. The college or university with the highest self-reported active minutes will be declared the winners of the challenge.  

Who can participate?

Anyone with an @sjsu.edu email address.

How do I participate?

  • Visit 2020RecreationMovement.com and create an account.

  • Explore and enjoy daily fitness challenges and classes from universities across the nation. 

  • Log hours from challenges, classes, and any personal activity (up to 120 minutes a day).