The user assumes all risk of injury in the use of this workout. Consult your physician, assess your fitness level and follow all safety instructions before beginning any workout program. The exercises and skills in these videos and on-line classes range from low intensity to moderate and vigorous intensity. It is important to choose activities and intensity levels that are right for you and your fitness level today. It is recommended to use common sense, take breaks and hydrate often during the workout, to prevent serious medical conditions.

You assume all risk of injury in the use of the work out. Your participation in this activity is voluntary and presents a risk of injury.  If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities or feel any discomfort, pain, dizziness or nausea, you should discontinue the exercise immediately. You should NOT attempt the exercises without first consulting your medical provider, especially if you have a history of previous injuries, pre-existing conditions, illnesses, or certain medical conditions such as but not limited to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, chest pain, or difficulty breathing when exercising. 

For your safety, complete the exercises as demonstrated. The Student Union, at San Jose State University will not be held liable to any person or entity for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this workout.