Climbing? Climb on!

Whether it’s your first time climbing, or you’re looking to meet a new group of friends to climb with, Spartan Summit (SJSU’s climbing wall) offers a wide variety of top-rope routes, as well as bouldering terrain for you to build muscle and push your physical and mental limits. You’ll find our climbing wall staff is always ready to offer you encouragement while sharing their passion and knowledge of climbing.

Bouldering Hours

The Boulder is open whenever the building is open.

Top Rope Wall Hours

Monday - Friday: 3 PM - 7 PM

student bouldering
student top roping
Student bouldering

Safety Orientation

Climbing can be a dangerous activity if done incorrectly. 

BEFORE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CLIMB, you will need to watch our safety orientation video and pass our safety orientation test with a perfect score. (If you don’t pass the test the first time, you may retake the test until you get a perfect score) 



If you wish to use our boulder, you must watch the safety orientation video and pass the safety orientation test (link above) before being allowed to climb.

Top Rope Climbing

Anyone wishing to belay and/ or climb on our top rope wall must pass our quick 5 minute belay test from one of our climbing staff during open top-rope climbing hours (see above).

If you don't know how to belay or would like a refresher, we offer free 1-hour top-rope belay classes that will give you all of the information you need to know to pass the test.

Upon successful completion of the test, you will be allowed to check out a YELLOW wristband from our climbing staff which will be your ticket to belay and/or climb our top rope wall.

Sign up for a free belay class below and call our front desk at 408.924.6368 for more information.

Lead Climbing

We do not currently offer lead climbing on our wall. Please continue to visit this website for future updates regarding Lead Climbing at the Spartan Summit.

Classes and Events

Check back soon for additional classes, programs, and events.




Instagram: @SJSUspartansummit