Wander around the cinematic scenery of Muir Woods National Monument, where movies like Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Planet of the Apes, and Jurassic Park were filmed. We'll be camping near the coast, giving us a chance to explore beautiful redwood forests as well as enchanting beaches! Be ready to hike roughly 5 miles a day with awesome people and amazing views!
Date / Time: Saturday, March 16 (9am) - Sunday, March 17 (5pm)
Deadline to sign up: Wednesday, March 13
Price: $130 Student Only (Includes gear, transportation, OA leaders, and reservations)
Strenuosity Scale: 2 - Some elements might be slightly strenuous, but no prior physical conditioning is needed.
Outdoor Adventures Provides: Includes transportation, gear, and campsite reservations.
How to sign up: Visit Sport Club front desk to sign up.
Contact: e-mail sjsuoutdooradventures@gmail.com for more information.