Program: SJSU Outdoor Adventures
Title: Nisene Marks - Santa Cruz Day Hike
Join us on a Journey as we hike through Nisene Marks with lush green ferns, and sky scraping redwoods. We may also see slugs, and stroll on the beach.
You Provide: Clothes (for cold weather), Food, and a Great Attitude!
Skill level: Beginner-Friendly
Activity level: 2 out of 5
Rain Check: This trip runs rain or shine. Rain and weather is possible.
Registration Details
Register at the front desk in the SRAC.
Price: $50 - SJSU Students only
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023
Trip Date: Sat, July 22 from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. Trip start and end times are subject to change based on weather and road conditions.
Register at the Front Desk of the Spartan Recreation and Aquatic Center.